The personal details you supply to us, including names, telephone numbers postal address, e-mail address or financial account, will only be used to complete the orders you place and provide you the best possible online shopping experience. We guarantee that the information you provide is never sold or shared with anyone else. Contact information, for example an email or phone address, will only be used to answer questions or clarifications about your purchases or orders. Also, you have the option to limit or restrict the information we store on your account database deemed acceptable by you at any point via the \”My Account\” page.

What type of data is collected by us?

If you decide to sign up through our site, purchase a product, enter into sweepstakes or competitions or respond to an email, such as an e-mail or survey, or make use of an additional feature on our website and we collect details about your identity.

If you register or order when you register or purchase, we\’ll ask for information such as your name or email address. Our website is completely anonymous.

How do we use your information?

It is possible to use your information collected when you enter into an event, take part in surveys or promotions or use specific features on our site and features, visit our site or to respond to our marketing messages or surveys.

We do this to personalize the website and provide you with the content you\’ll find relevant.

Let us be more responsive to inquiries from customers.

To quickly process your transactions.

Administrators of this site are able to manage contests, promotions, surveys, and other features.

How do we protect visitor information?

We take a number of security procedures to protect the privacy of your information. Information you supply is protected by secure networks that are accessible to only people having access rights. You are able to browse and place orders on a secure website. Secure Socket Layers (SSL) are used for sending sensitive information such as number of your credit card. Data is encoded before being transferred into our database.

We\’ve made some modifications to our policy.

If we decide that it is necessary to change this policy, they will be posted on the page. These changes will only affect data that we have collected since they were implemented.

Feedback, questions and comments

Privacy, privacy and questions suggestions are always welcome. Send us any feedback you have related to privacy or any other issue.

Your agreement

Our privacy statement is an essential part of your use the site.